George Bilavschi

Două topoare medievale descoperite în apropierea localităţii Fundu Moldovei (jud. Suceava) Abstract The present study primarily aims at bringing in the research field two medieval axes made by iron, discovered by chance in the proximity of Fundu Moldovei village (Suceava County). The village Fundu Moldovei is located about 15 km away from the city Câmpulung…

Coralia Costaș

Complexitatea și ingeniozitatea citirii timpului la 1600: Cadranul solar portabil de la Iași – Centrul de afaceri  Abstract The diptych ivory sundial found in Iași – Centrul de Afaceri, in 1996, has been the central piece in the exhibition ”Underground Iași – Rediscovered (Hi)stories”, organized at the Palace of Culture in Iași by Moldavia’s History…

Lilia Dergaceva, Nicolai Bodnariuk

Descoperiri numismatice și arheologice din nordul Bucovinei (II.2) Abstract The paper presents some archaeological and numismatic artefacts found on various medieval sites in the Hliboca county, Cernăuți region, started in 2019 in the same edition. This time a collection of medieval and modern European coins is going to be discussed. The coins have been found…